import numpy as np
import numpy.testing
import hidet
def matmul_func(m_size, n_size, k_size):
from hidet.lang import attr, f32, tensor
from hidet.lang import spatial, repeat
from hidet.lang.cuda import threadIdx, blockIdx, blockDim, syncthreads
from import add_packed_func
def ceil_div(a, b):
return (a + b - 1) // b
tm, tn, tk = 32, 32, 128
assert tk % tm == 0
assert tk % tn == 0
# make sure the matrix size is divisible by the tile size
assert m_size % tm == 0 and n_size % tn == 0 and k_size % tk == 0
with hidet.script_module() as script_module:
def kernel(
a: f32[m_size, k_size],
b: f32[k_size, n_size],
c: f32[m_size, n_size]
attr.func_kind = 'cuda_kernel'
attr.cuda_block_dim = tn, tm
attr.cuda_grid_dim = n_size / tn, m_size / tm
smem_a = tensor(scope='shared', dtype='float32', shape=[tm, tk])
smem_b = tensor(scope='shared', dtype='float32', shape=[tk, tn])
acc = f32(0.0)
for k_tile in range(k_size / tk):
gmem_a = a[blockIdx.y * tm: , k_tile * tk: ]
gmem_b = b[k_tile * tk: , blockIdx.x * tn: ]
# load data from global memory to shared memory
tid = threadIdx.x + threadIdx.y * blockDim.y
for i, k in repeat(1, tk / tn).spatial(tm, tn).on(tid):
smem_a[i, k] = gmem_a[i, k]
for k, j in repeat(tk / tm, 1).spatial(tm, tn).on(tid):
smem_b[k, j] = gmem_b[k, j]
# compute
for k in range(tk):
acc += smem_a[threadIdx.y, k] * smem_b[k, threadIdx.x]
# write result
gi, gj = blockIdx.y * tm + threadIdx.y, blockIdx.x * tn + threadIdx.x
c[gi, gj] = acc
ir_module = script_module.ir_module()
add_packed_func(ir_module, func=kernel, pack_func_name='matmul')
return hidet.driver.build_ir_module(ir_module, func_name='matmul')
m_size, n_size, k_size = 1024, 1024, 1024
matmul = matmul_func(m_size, n_size, k_size)
#include <stdint.h> #include <cuda_fp16.h> #include <cuda_bf16.h> #include <hidet/runtime/cuda_context.h> #include <hidet/runtime/cpu_context.h> typedef float tfloat32_t; #define __float_to_tf32(x) (x) extern "C" { __global__ void __launch_bounds__(1024) hidet_kernel(float * __restrict__ a, float * __restrict__ b, float * __restrict__ c) { __shared__ float smem_a[4096]; __shared__ float smem_b[4096]; float acc = 0.0f; for (int32_t k_tile = 0; (k_tile < 8); k_tile = (k_tile + 1)) { int32_t tid = ((int)threadIdx.x + ((int)threadIdx.y * 32)); for (int32_t i = 0; (i < 4); i = (i + 1)) { smem_a[(((tid / 32) * 128) + ((i * 32) + (tid % 32)))] = a[(((((int)blockIdx.y * 32) + (tid / 32)) * 1024) + ((k_tile * 128) + ((i * 32) + (tid % 32))))]; } for (int32_t i_1 = 0; (i_1 < 4); i_1 = (i_1 + 1)) { smem_b[((((i_1 * 32) + (tid / 32)) * 32) + (tid % 32))] = b[((((k_tile * 128) + ((i_1 * 32) + (tid / 32))) * 1024) + (((int)blockIdx.x * 32) + (tid % 32)))]; } __syncthreads(); for (int32_t k = 0; (k < 128); k = (k + 1)) { acc = (acc + (smem_a[(((int)threadIdx.y * 128) + k)] * smem_b[((k * 32) + (int)threadIdx.x)])); } __syncthreads(); } c[(((((int)blockIdx.y * 32) + (int)threadIdx.y) * 1024) + (((int)blockIdx.x * 32) + (int)threadIdx.x))] = acc; } __host__ void hidet_matmul(int32_t num_args, int32_t * __restrict__ arg_types, void* * __restrict__ args) { assert(((void)"Expect 3 arguments", (num_args == 3))); assert(((void)"The 0-th argument should be TensorPointerType(tensor(float32, [1024, 1024]))", (arg_types[0] == 3))); assert(((void)"The 1-th argument should be TensorPointerType(tensor(float32, [1024, 1024]))", (arg_types[1] == 3))); assert(((void)"The 2-th argument should be TensorPointerType(tensor(float32, [1024, 1024]))", (arg_types[2] == 3))); hidet_kernel<<<dim3(32, 32, 1), dim3(32, 32, 1), 0, (cudaStream_t)get_cuda_stream()>>>(((float*)(args[0])), ((float*)(args[1])), ((float*)(args[2]))); } }
a = hidet.randn([m_size, k_size]).cuda()
b = hidet.randn([k_size, n_size]).cuda()
c = hidet.empty([m_size, n_size]).cuda()
matmul(a, b, c)
np_a = a.cpu().numpy()
np_b = b.cpu().numpy()
np_c = np.matmul(np_a, np_b)
numpy.testing.assert_allclose(c.cpu().numpy(), np_c, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-4)
print('Correctness: Pass')
latency = hidet.utils.benchmark_func(lambda: matmul(a, b, c), number=20, repeat=20)
print(' Latency: {:.2f} ms'.format(latency))
Correctness: Pass Latency: 0.69 ms